Geraldine Lampert

Massage therapist treating a client.


Clinical Massage Therapist with a 750 hour degree in clinical massage, and Reiki Master serving the Palos Verdes Penninsula, Long Beach, and Torrance, California

Massage therapy compliments other forms of care by addressing soft tissue related issues contributing to postural and muscle dysfunction, chronic pain, and limitations on your activities of daily life.  Caring for your muscles promotes overal health and well being, while enhancing your quality of life.  

  • Relaxes muscle spasms to relieve tension, soreness, chronic aches and pain
  • Enhances and maintains joint flexibility and range of motion
  • Aids recovery from pulled muscles or sprained ligamants
  • Improves posture by targeting muscle groups for standing, sitting, walking
  • Relieves certain repetitive motion injuries and can prevent injury
  • Improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and improves sleep
  • Detoxifies your body and hydrates your skin

I combine a variety of hands-on massage modalities, including trigger point therapy, hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, and swedish massage, myo-facial release, to tailor my work to your specific needs. I offer a range of energy therapy modalities as well.

Reiki is a new addition to the modalities I use to address your stress.  I am trained with over 40 reiki symbols from 6 traditions. Reiki is an amazing tool to help with various situations, and it can even help release trigger points very quickly when added into a massage session!  Would you like to add a singing bowl to the session? or gentle aroma therapy?  Just let me know!

To request an appointment in the South Bay area of Los Angeles, or for further inquiries, please contact me at 312-404-1157. If I am not immediately available, I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day